What’s New in OpenSesame Plus: Four Exciting Publishers Added This February

What’s New in OpenSesame Plus: Four Exciting Publishers Added This February

21 February 2024

OpenSesame Plus just keeps getting better. This month saw the addition of four visionary publishers to the subscription, each with their unique flair and specialized content to help your workforce step up their skills. Between them, Boot Camp Digital, Briefly, EasyLlama, and London School of Sales cover a broad spectrum of material—from digital marketing genius to sales strategy innovation, cultural workplace transformation to succinct business acumen, there’s something in here for every organization.

Boot Camp Digital: Your Digital Marketing Powerhouse

Expertise: Business Skills, Marketing, Technology

Unlock the full potential of your digital marketing efforts with Boot Camp Digital. Their courses stand out with a promise of practicality and immediate application. With track record of training more than a million marketers over a decade, they understand the digital pulse like no other. From immersive, hands-on modules to an arsenal of downloadable tools, action planners, and best practices, Boot Camp Digital courses are engineered to ensure your digital strategies yield tangible results.


A screenshot of a Boot Camp Digital Course on LinkedIn Best Practices



Briefly: Business Learning in Bite-Sized Pieces

Expertise: Business Skills, DEI, Personal Finance, Wellness

Information overload. We’ve all been there. Briefly offers a respite with leadership and business insights condensed into clear, actionable lessons. Their innovative approach transforms sought-after business books into 15-minute summaries, ideal for the learner on the go. With audio and text options available in multiple languages, Briefly makes cutting-edge business knowledge accessible and practical for a global audience.


A screenshot of a Briefly Book Summary



EasyLlama: At The Cutting Edge of Workplace Education

Expertise: Compliance, Sexual Harassment, Workplace Harassment

Leading cultural change charge is EasyLlama; they’re a publisher dedicated to fostering safer, more respectful workplaces. EasyLlama’s modern training solutions use the latest digital learning trends, interactive quizzes, and real-life scenarios to ensure compliance doesn’t just tick a box, it instills a sense of belonging. Updated annually, their courses reflect the modern day landscape, supporting a workspace where diversity and safety are paramount.


A screenshot of an EasyLlama course on Ethics



London School of Sales: Architecting Sales Excellence

Expertise: Business Skills, Sales

London School of Sales knows what it feels like to be in the sales trenches, offering training that resonates with the day-to-day experiences of sales professionals. Beyond mere theory, their courses are CPD-certified and designed to be interactive, addressing different learning styles with real-life applications. This is where raw talent is honed into skilled expertise, ensuring that every sales challenge is an opportunity for growth.

A screenshot of a LSOS course on the Sales Mindset


Well, there you have it, another month, another exciting expansion of OpenSesame Plus. Which publisher helps fill a gap in your current program? Or covers a topic in a better format for your learners? Browse the courses from these industry experts—we bet you’ll find a variety of courses to take your training initiatives to new heights.

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