Safety first: Protect, comply, and thrive

Investing in safety training is crucial; it protects employees, enhances productivity, and reduces the risk of accidents. OpenSesame offers a diverse range of OSHA-compliant safety courses designed for various industries. These courses help organizations maintain good working environments, comply with regulations, and foster a culture of safety.

Training for a safe, compliant workplace

Keep up with safety standards

Our regularly updated safety courses help organizations stay compliant with health and safety regulations, preventing penalties and minimizing risks. 

Safety saves, negligence costs

In 2022, 4,695 preventable injury-related workplace deaths cost society $167 billion. Safety training could have prevented these deaths and costs, and should be a priority for your organization.

Safe workplace, happy workers

No one wants to work in an unsafe and dangerous environment. Safety training demonstrates your organization’s commitment to creating a safe work environment and prioritizing employee well-being. 

Meet your curator

Meet your curator, Anthony Vasquez. With an extensive background in health and safety programs, Anthony is dedicated to protecting employees in the workplace and helping companies enhance their safety practices. As a curation specialist, he provides customers with custom learning paths to address their training needs and collaborates with OpenSesame’s safety publishers to keep content current and compliant.

Train your team on these must-cover topics


Construction safety


Electrical safety


Emergency response


Hazardous materials


OSHA 10 & 30 hour certification training


Food safety

Take the first step to a safer and healthier workforce. Choose our safety training today.