Curated courses, served hot

OpenSesame’s course marketplace features over 40,000 courses from top publishers, curated by real subject-matter-experts with incredibly high standards. Courses are updated daily using our patented technology, ensuring your learners always get the freshest, best content.

Wide variety of course topics
Publishers are required to meet minimum quality standards
Modalities for every learner
Courses in over 45 languages
Daily course updates
Personalized curation from real experts
AI-powered lists of content

How customers rate us


4.5 Stars


4 Stars

Meets Requirements
8.6 Responses: 114
8.1 Responses: 42
Ease of Use
8.9 Responses: 116
8.1 Responses: 42
Ease of Setup
8.8 Responses: 106
8.3 Responses: 26
Ease of Admin
8.8 Responses: 107
8.7 Responses: 25
Quality of Support
9.4 Responses: 115
8.2 Responses: 37
Has the product been a good partner in doing business?
9.5 Responses: 109
8.5 Responses: 24
Product Direction (% positive)
9.1 Responses: 116
8.0 Responses: 41

Data from G2 | Q2 2024