Customer Story

Driving value with HR and L&D: OpenSesame at McLeod Software

Transportation/Software Development

Existing content provider offered a limited number of courses. Difficult to efficiently train an expanding workforce in an industry that has been slow to adopt technology solutions. Continuous technical training for new employees and customer onboarding.


A comprehensive learning solution that appealed to McLeod’s development philosophy and worked with their existing Learning Management System (LMS).

  • Unrestricted access for selected vendors and employees empowered to pursue their learning aspirations fully
  • Streamlined training delivery and insights via seamless integration with their LMS

McLeod’s drive for effective learning

McLeod Software, a transportation management and trucking software company provides comprehensive dispatch, management and automation solutions, integrating with a broad array of complementary logistics tools. They understand that a fresh approach is needed to innovate in an industry that has been slow to adopt new technology solutions over legacy processes. Similarly, when building their Learning & Development program to nurture its growing workforce, a fresh approach to training was needed – traditional mentorship and course delivery methods weren’t enough. In search of a transformative learning solution, McLeod turned to OpenSesame, uncovering a wealth of value that would revolutionize their learning and development endeavors.

Unleashing comprehensive learning

For HR professionals seeking a comprehensive learning solution, conventional providers often have limited course options and can’t provide the ROI that businesses need. McLeod Software’s decision to integrate OpenSesame’s catalog was rooted in practicality. Our extensive library of over 25,000 courses and team of curation experts allowed for customized learning paths, tailored to the diverse needs and preferences of their workforce. OpenSesame content also seamlessly integrates with their Learning Management System (LMS), streamlining the learning experience for employees, and the reporting for L&D. No longer did they have to navigate multiple systems or face fragmented learning journeys. Instead, the HR team could deliver a cohesive, intuitive, and learner-centric experience without the old blind spots.

Tailored training for optimal results

With OpenSesame’s curated content, HR professionals at McLeod could target specific roles with training programs that cater to group or individual learning requirements. Employees acquire the expertise they need to not only excel in their current roles, but accelerate their professional growth overall. This has helped foster a culture of continuous learning for the future, and ambitious employees are free to explore a broad array of subjects, even ones not directly related to their current roles.

By providing such an extensive range of courses, the program has already sparked innovation. One particular learner developed a method of streamlining the company’s software loading protocol, revolutionizing some of the organization’s business processes. This culture of learning has become a driving force, permeating McLeod’s workforce and empowering their employees to try new ideas.

A responsive partner for fruitful collaboration

Our dedicated Customer Success team offers the responsiveness, support. and flexibility to meet McLeod’s unique needs; our comprehensive catalog, seamless integration, and bespoke content curation provides HR teams with a sustainable learning solution. With OpenSesame, McLeod can curate tailored learning paths, drive internal innovation, and cultivate a workforce prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

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