Customer Story

City of Corpus Christi advances its training initiatives


Implement an on-demand elearning solution that met budget and LMS requirements


A large course library and seamless integration with LMS at an affordable price.

  • Saving resources spent teaching and tracking courses
  • Streamlining compliance for mandatory training
  • Broad employee acceptance

Corpus Christi, Texas is home to a number of higher learning institutions, including a branch of Texas A&M, and is well aware of the importance of training and educating its 3,000 employees. However, in 2014, the city’s system of classroom training and manual tracking consumed too much time and organizational resources. With OpenSesame, the city has been able to grow its training program and seamlessly integrate its courses with the city’s learning management system (LMS) while maximizing return on its investment.

The best value. The best service.

Recognizing that online training was the best way to cost-effectively train their staff, the city’s Human Resources department launched a new training initiative, The Learning Institute, in 2014, with the intention to provide a solution that offered the most value, with the largest variety of courses, and would integrate with their chosen Learning Management System (LMS). In the end, OpenSesame checked the right boxes and our catalog was embedded directly in their platform.

Curating for quick success

The OpenSesame implementation was a quick success. “We explained the various training paths we wanted, including a Leadership Training and Compliance series, and OpenSesame curated online course bundles for us, using the courses from their library that best matched our needs,” the Manager says. “They completely exceeded our expectations, going above and beyond in every interaction.”

“With OpenSesame, we are able to focus our investment and our time on helping our employees and the organization reach our strategic goals.”

Learning and Organization Development Manager, City of Corpus Christi

Broad employee adoption

Employee feedback for the new training portal has been overwhelmingly positive, and OpenSesame has been rolled out to other City departments, including Airports, Police and Parks and Recreation. “The various department managers love how easily they can assign training to their employees.”

One of the City of Corpus Christi’s single biggest wins with OpenSesame is in its Airport department. To meet federal and state compliance mandates, the City must provide proof of employee training in various topics. OpenSesame allows for instant confirmation of course completion, driving efficiency and compliance tracking.

Easy access to a large library

With more than 35,000 available courses, the City has access to a library of content they need, including microlearning options: quick, direct, three- to five-minute long courses that city employees can view on their mobile devices.

“We explained the various training paths we wanted, including a Leadership Training and Compliance series, and OpenSesame curated online course bundles for us, using the courses from their library that best matched our needs.”

Learning and Organization Development Manager, City of Corpus Christi

Reaching strategic goals

OpenSesame is helping the City of Corpus Christi demonstrate its commitment to employee development, while driving engagement and retention. The City has always invested in employee trainingfrom leadership development to compliance, safety and technology certificationbut that training required a great deal of time and effort to offer and administer. With OpenSesame, the city is able to focus their resources and time on helping employees and the organization reach more strategic goals.

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