Stay compliant and confident with comprehensive training

Compliance training goes beyond meeting legal requirements; it fosters a culture of integrity and safeguards your company’s reputation. Our compliance courses are regularly updated to reflect current laws and policies, ensuring they meet required standards, and cover crucial topics tailored to various industries and regions.

Take the headache out of compliance training

Keep up when laws change

Mandatory training laws keep evolving, and it’s our curators’ job to stay in the know. They’ll ensure you’ve got the right courses to meet the regulatory requirements relevant to your business.

Protect your bottom line

On average, non-compliance costs organizations $14.8M annually, while increasing the odds of lawsuits and cyberattacks. Reduce your risk with effective training on the topics that keep your company safe.

Say goodbye to boring courses

Nobody likes taking the same course year after year. With more than 3,500 compliance courses in our marketplace, you can give your learners variety, while meeting required training laws, too.

Meet your curator

Meet your compliance curator, Amanda Sessions. With more than a decade of experience in the elearning and compliance training industry, Amanda’s expertise has helped customers effectively manage risk and create a culture of ethics. As a curator, she recommends content based on a customer’s unique needs and preferences, and also works with OpenSesame’s top compliance publishers to ensure we have their latest and greatest content.

Train your team on these must-cover topics


Data privacy


Digital compliance


Harassment prevention




HR compliance


Business law

Together, let’s transform compliance training at your organization. We’re ready when you are.