AI in L&D: Intention and Reality

Two years on from the launch of ChatGPT, we’ve come a long way. While the technology continues to evolve, so too does our understanding of what it can and can’t do, and where L&D can best deploy it for impact.

In their latest report, authors Donald H. Taylor and Eglė Vinauskaitė look into how L&D is putting AI to use. Drawing on a survey of more than 400 practitioners from over 50 countries, plus in-depth case-studies, these experts come to some far-reaching—and sometimes unsettling—conclusions about the progress L&D is making.

What you’ll learn:

  • How leading companies are using AI for L&D today
  • L&D’s troublesome focus on content creation
  • Surprising AI uses that go beyond the norm
  • The complexity of moving from simple to sophisticated implementations

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