Empower your organization with DEI training

An inclusive workplace with engaged employees isn’t just a dream. Investing in DEI training boosts innovation and creativity, enhances company reputation, and attracts top talent. OpenSesame offers a diverse range of DEI courses tailored to your needs, empowering your team to foster a more inclusive, dynamic work environment.

DEI training builds stronger teams

Diversity sparks innovation

Companies that embrace DEI thrive on diverse perspectives and ideas, fostering innovation and creativity. This collaboration improves problem-solving and leads to strong strategic thinking.

Inclusion pays off

Companies lacking DEI training risk consequences and miss out on benefits: Inclusive company cultures see 22 percent lower turnover and 22 percent higher productivity than their less inclusive peers. 

Top talent loves diversity

A diverse and inclusive workplace is magnetic. DEI training boosts your company’s reputation, drawing in top talent and clients while building trust and loyalty.

Meet your curator

Meet your curator, Liza Wisner. An award-winning talent development professional, Liza has extensive experience working directly with executive leadership at organizations to develop and deliver learning experiences. As our Enterprise Curator for DEI, she collaborates with publishers and customers to curate top-tier diversity, equity, and inclusion content for the OpenSesame catalog.

Train your team on these must-cover topics




Inclusive leadership




Psychological safety


Race & ethnicity understanding


Gender identity understanding

Get started with DEI training today and watch your organization thrive.