Training Strategies
3 Key L&D Trends of 2022 and the 1 Pitfall to Avoid
Winning Combo: Security Awareness Training & Anti-Phishing Training
To reduce the risk of a cyberattack, organizations must confront the fact that humans are their biggest risk. With limited memories and susceptibility to emotional pressure, employees are prone to making mistakes that make companies vulnerable. The best way to protect your organization from cyberattacks is to train your employees regularly, so they have the relevant knowledge and skills to remember what to do if confronted with a potential attack.
3 Ways to Leverage Off-the-shelf Content in Your LMS Sale
We are in the midst of a digital transformation. We’ve been here for a while, but as organizations continue to roll out various flavors of hybrid and remote work, the … 3 Ways to Leverage Off-the-shelf Content in Your LMS Sale
Why Blended Learning Is the Future of Business
The past two years have blurred the lines between work and home, digital and physical, online and offline. The 9-5 world we lived in has been upended, and the word … Why Blended Learning Is the Future of Business